What is your background and how did you become an Eucom assessor? I am a Portuguese native, living in Romania since 2015. I believe I met an Eucom element in a Language Exchange event in Bucharest, and since then I have been cooperating with Eucom for Portuguese Language. What are the challenges encountered during a […]
What is your background and how did you become an Eucom assessor? I’ve studied Communication and PR in Portugal and since my studies I’ve always worked with the Portuguese and Spanish market and so these 2 languages became my best friends. ???? I became an Eucom assessor long time ago when Eucom was just starting […]
Successful communication in international affairs requires participants to have a thorough knowledge of a foreign language. Thus, in order to select the linguistically competent candidates for the jobs put up for competition, the Romanian companies have resorted to a linguistic audit, streamlining the employment process to the point where they can make that selection in […]
Întrebări interviu Care este background-ul tău și cum ai ajuns să devii asesor Eucom? Am ales să studiez limba suedeză la Facultatea de Limbi și Literaturi Străine din București și curând se împlinesc 15 ani de când lucrez constant cu această limbă, având în permanență un job full time în corporație și proiecte extra care […]
Care este background-ul tău și cum ai ajuns să devii asesor Eucom? Încă din anii de şcoală am dezvoltat o pasiune pentru Limba Engleză şi am urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Litere Babeş Bolyai din Cluj Napoca. Am petrecut apoi 10 ani în Statele Unite, iar la întoarcerea în ţară, acum 5 ani, am devenit Trainer […]
“Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.” The above quote is my favourite German saying. It literally translates as “I only understand train station” and means “I don’t understand anything.” It’s a funny and honest way to express your helplessness in a certain situation and ask for directions or help. I use it a lot and it always […]
If you have more than one passport, or inherited multiple cultures, or employ many languages in day-to-day life, then indeed: you are a pluricultural being. During the last ALTE conference, we learned that “ . . . roughly two-thirds of the world’s population [use] more than one language . . . Consequently, the nature of […]
Often attributed to Winston Churchill, the concept of „never letting a crisis go to waste” may seem like a rather negative and pessimistic attitude toward leadership and innovation. In general, we’re used to inspiration and motivational quotes that take a more positive and cheerful tone. While they make us feel good, they may not necessarily […]
Care este background-ul tău și cum ai ajuns să devii asesor Eucom? Am avut bucuria să fiu profa’ de engleză timp de 9 ani, la o şcoală generală din Botoşani, unde am împărţit pasiunea pentru limba engleză, dar şi mult timp liber cu atâtea generaţii de elevi extraordinari. Întâmplarea a făcut ca Eucom să intre […]
It’s no secret that today’s businesses are working in an increasingly international and competitive environment where multilingualism is the new reality. Consequently, the search for multilingual candidates has long begun. Many companies have the right attitude about the importance of language proficiency and acknowledge the fact that if language proficiency isn’t evaluated during the recruitment […]
What is happiness? Ponder that for a minute, while you read what the Assessment Department has been up to recently. We just spent the last two weeks calibrating! In a calibration session 1 assessor group meets for an hour, to discuss phone call procedures, to score the recording of a candidate, and to reach the […]
Care este background-ul tău şi cum ai ajuns să devii asesor Eucom? Sunt profesor de 10 ani, trainer Eucom de 12 ani, iar datorită experienței dobândite, mă ocup de 3 ani de partea de evaluare în cadrul companiei. Care sunt provocările întâlnite în timpul unei evaluări lingvistice? Nivelul și deschiderea candidaților. Provocările sunt întotdeauna legate […]