Etape implementare

Personalized training according to the clients’ objectives
The profession, the field of activity and the targeted skills dictate the way we learn a foreign language, but also the steps we take in this regard.
To begin with, we analyze the company’s needs regarding the language skills of the course participants. We establish by mutual agreement the objectives and the way of conducting the course:-
group or individual courses
in-room courses, online courses or „on-the-go” courses
Then, we test the participants to determine their level of study. After we propose the composition of the group and the number of sessions necessary to achieve the objectives (the minimum frequency is 2 sessions per week), we carry out the training .
The learning strategy is adapted from one session to another, depending on the real (and even spontaneous) needs of the participants. In order to fulfill their initially established objectives, they must consider attending the course as indispensable. The official acceptance will be confirmed „in black and white” by the language proficiency certificates according to the European Reference Framework. Depending on the project, we can issue diplomasale Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Calificări şi certificate recunoscute naţional sau internaţional.