Cum putem găsi oameni inovatori pentru companie? Şi cum putem deveni noi înşine mai creativi? Dar în ce constă, mai exact, abilitatea de a inova şi cum se întâmplă ca unii oameni să vină cu idei valoroase? Inovaţia este secretul succesului în afaceri, aşa că acestea sunt câteva dintre întrebările care pun pe gânduri bordul […]
Five mistakes in business English What feedback would receive an email sent to a foreign partner that would make room for common idioms like “ I wanted to make sure we were on the same page” or “I’m not at the top of my game today”? Though the message might be inferred, the wording would […]
Corporate language training has been, undoubtedly, one of the most important trends in the business environment in recent years. Companies admit the importance of linguistic and cultural studies when they offer their employees the chance of an international job rotation, or a promotion or when they enter a new market segment. What are the stages […]
Those who want to get a job or a promotion to a position that requires foreign language skills should make sure, before attending an interview, that they don’t overestimate their language proficiency in French for example. Why? More and more employers assess their candidates’ or employees’ language skills by tools that cannot be “fooled”. Employees’ […]
Successful communication in international business required that participants have thorough knowledge of a foreign language. Thus, to select skilled applicants from the linguistic point of view, Romanian companies resorted to linguistic audit, streamlining the hiring process in real time. Currently, to avoid making wrong choices, managers linguistically assess the employees they want to promote on […]
With the expansion of the labour market, partnerships, international projects and teams in multinational organizations, new challenges in communication and implicitly in foreign languages have raised. Companies no longer request regular courses, but complex training programs, aimed at bringing their employees as close to their interlocutor as possible. Tackling a language course for professionals must […]
The trainee and the trainer are inherently engaged in a relationship of inequality: the former wants to assimilate the knowledge that the latter controls, as subject matter expert. Although probably perceived as suitable, this hierarchy is most of the times a learning hindrance. Why? Because the person who studies a foreign language encounters numerous difficulties: […]
Ever since their training in faculties of business and management, computer science, engineering or construction, experts must be able to communicate in a foreign language. Therefore, the number of faculty departments where most courses are held in a foreign language has increased considerably in recent years. In order to be in line with these standards, […]
What did the EALTA Conference, “Assessment of What…?” mean to our colleagues in the linguistic audit department? A host of directions for the research and development of linguistic evaluation practices, but also a few personal conclusions or good practices for testing candidates. 3 good practices in Eucom linguistic evaluation Thorough knowledge of the Common European […]
A successful presentation does not solely relate to a person’s ability to speak a language. In addition to outstanding language skills, it is essential to outline the ideas to be conveyed, to have an authentic presenting style and to maintain the interest of the audience. What strategies do you use to deliver a high-level presentation? […]
Succesul unei prezentări nu ţine doar de cunoaşterea limbii în care a fost formulată. Pe lângă abilitatea de a folosi limba străină la valenţe maxime, este necesar să trasezi conturul ideilor de transmis, să ai un stil de prezentare autentic şi să menţii interesul audienţei. Ce strategii aplici pentru a livra o prezentare de înaltă […]
Ce a însemnat Conferința EALTA „Assessment of What…?” pentru colegele noastre din departamentul de audit lingvistic? O sumedenie de direcții de cercetare și dezvoltare a practicilor de evaluare lingvistică, dar și câteva concluzii personale ori bune practici în testarea candidaților. 3 bune practici în evaluarea lingvistică Eucom: Cunoașterea în detaliu a Cadrului Comun de Referință European; Dificultatea […]